Steve Macek
Steve has been involved in the homeschool community since he was a teenager. Having moved to the big city of Phoenix between 7th & 8th grade, he subsequently started homeschool and co-op programs. Originally receiving training in nutrition and alternative health, Steve ultimately saw God taking him in a very different direction. After many years of politely resisting, he reluctantly gave into theatre a decade ago through MoezArt Productions, a local Christian education-based non-profit organization.
Of all the hats he has worn throughout his time there, his favorite is having the tremendous privilege and pleasure of directing and working with hundreds of students each semester. Steve also regularly performs with various companies, both in volunteer and semi-professional capacities - a feat he reckons isn't too shabby for a recovering "theatre non-enthusiast" and bonafide introvert.
Since the start, his love for glorifying God through the performing arts and overall involvement within the homeschool community only continues to expand. Despite not wanting it any other way, this keeps him far busier than he often would like to admit - particularly when also striving to maintain an honest day job of sorts is considered, which he figures he barely has time for at this point.
Steve is excited and honored to come alongside Ignite Homeschool Ministries, as they share his passion, vision, and heart for the Kingdom-building work of utilizing all that God has given to help raise up the next generation of Christ followers and world influencers.