When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He grabbed twelve teenagers and said, “Follow Me.” While the spiritual growth they experienced was of primary importance, the context in which it occurred was authentic community. For three years, these teenagers walked with Jesus and with one another - eating together, laughing together, crying together, learning together - and God did an amazing work in and through them along the way. We believe teenagers, like everyone, grow best when they have a community to walk with them. We are committed to creating the space they need to find that community.


  • Community Events

    Because we are so passionate about the importance of community, we take every opportunity we can to create a fun space for students to connect! Events like Spirit Days, Student Marketplace days, and grade-specific lunch-time gatherings are how we incorporate connection on-campus. Things like Dances, a Talent Show, grade-specific events, and more are how we build community off-campus!

  • Embers Youth Group

    Our Embers Youth Group is where community happens on an even deeper level! Students have an opportunity to worship together, learn from the Word together, and spend time in intentional small groups. Our youth leaders are passionate about cultivating an environment where students feel loved, valued, and have the opportunity to grow in their discipleship to Jesus!

“For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”

Matthew 18:20