Is Ignite a school?
Short answer: no. Ignite offers supplementary, group-tutoring classes to help homeschool families enrich their home-education journeys. We will meet on Monday and Thursday, and parents drop kids off for the duration of their time at Ignite.
Does Ignite accept ESA?
Ignite does accept ESA funds via the ESA Debit Card or parents can submit receipts for reimbursement. We are not ClassWallet vendors. If you have additional questions, you can email info@ignitehm.org
Where will Ignite classes and events take place?
Ignite events will take place at a variety of locations depending on the event. Glendale elementary classes will take place at Grace Baptist Church on 51st Ave and Cactus. Glendale 7-12th grade classes will take place at Christ’s Community Church on 43rd Ave and Thunderbird. North Valley elementary and secondary class will take place at Canyon Church of Christ on the I17 and Carefree Highway.
What ages/grades can participate in Ignite classes and programs?
Ignite currently offers classes and events for students in K-12th grade!
What classes does Ignite offer?
Ignite offers just about everything! All core subjects (Math, Science, English, History) and electives (Foreign Languages, Art, Music, Drama, Bible, and more) for 4-12 Grade! Some core and enrichment classes will be offered fo K-3 Grade. View our available classes below:
Glendale K-6
Glendale 7-12
North Valley K-12 -
How do we pick classes?
Families can begin creating a schedule for each of their children based on needs/wants according to our available classes (find lists under the Resources tab at the top of this website). If you would like help determining what classes your student might need, feel free to reach out and we can work with you on schedule building!
How can I add/drop/change my student's classes?
If your student is currently enrolled in Ignite classes and you would like to make a change to their schedule, please email accounts@ignitehm.org and we would be happy to help you! Please note: If you drop a course after the start of the semester, you are responsible to pay class fees for the entire semester.
How do my kids get their books/curriculum/class supplies?
Families are responsible for purchasing their own books/curriculum for classes. When class registration is open, the required supplies will be available with links to books and curriculum. Oftentimes, books can be found used for significantly cheaper!
Does Ignite provide high school transcripts?
Because Ignite is not a school, we do not create high school transcripts. Parents/guardians are the primary educators of their homeschooled children, making them responsible for creating transcripts. However, Ignite does offer high school planning sessions, including transcript making resources.
Will Ignite host a high school graduation ceremony?
Yes! Although parents are the primary educators of their homeschooled children and are responsible for transcripts and diplomas, Ignite will host a graduation ceremony to celebrate each student’s accomplishment with their friends and family!
What about lunch?
Students (4th-12th grade) can bring lunch, there will be lunch and snack options for purchase on campus, or go off campus for lunch with driving permissions. K-3 students may stay for lunch if a parent is present!
Do parents have to volunteer like at other co-ops?
Parents do not have to volunteer for their children to be apart of Ignite. There will be a few events each year where parents will have the opportunity to volunteer if they desire to, but it is not mandatory.
How will Ignite keep my kids safe?
On campus programs and all events will be monitored by adults who have a fingerprint clearance card or a current background check. If you have specific questions regarding safety, please email us at info@ignitehm.org
What does Ignite believe?
Ignite is a Christian, Bible-believing, Jesus-loving organization. Our Statement of Faith can be found here.
Are events like dances and youth group only for Ignite students?
Certain events are only for Ignite Members, however, dances are open to any high school student accompanied by an Ignite student. Youth group is open to any homeschooled student in 7th-12th grade!
How can my child join the FireStarters student leadership team?
FireStarters is an invitation-only leadership development program. Students must participate in an application and interview process prior to joining the team. Request applications for the 2025/2026 school year here:
Glendale Secondary: glendale7-12@ignitehm.org
North Valley: northvalley@ignitehm.org -
How can I stay up to date on Ignite info?
To receive all the Ignite announcements and information in your very own inbox, join our newsletter here! You can also find us on social media @ignite.hm
How do I contact Ignite?
Glendale Elementary
Phone: 480-679-3125
Email: glendaleK-6@ignitehm.org
Study Hall Contact: studyhallK-6@ignitehm.orgGlendale Secondary
Phone: 480-679-3038
Email: glendale7-12@ignitehm.org
Study Hall Contact: studyhall7-12@ignitehm.orgNorth Valley
Phone: 480-679-3130
Email: northvalley@ignitehm.org
Study Hall Contact: nvstudyhall@ignitehm.orgHomeschool Life Support