Paige West

Paige West is a Chicago native who has found her home in the Arizona desert. While living in Prescott, Paige received her Associates Degree from Yavapai College, and is currently majoring in Biblical and Theological studies at Arizona Christian University. Paige is on fire for the Lord after having been radically born again through the grace of God. Paige has a heart for youth and finds joy in encouraging them to dwell with Christ. You will always find Paige with her nose in the Word, seeking further relationship with the Lord. Paige is happily married with a beautiful son, Sawyer (and we can’t forget their sweet border collie: Lulu). They enjoy going on bike rides, playing baseball, and singing worship songs to Jesus together as a family. Paige is always eager to hear the Lord’s next prompting for her and her family. She cannot wait to see what Jesus has in store for Ignite. She knows His provision is always perfect!