Micah Hudak

Micah Hudak earned a degree in Political Science from Arizona Christian University where she developed an even deeper love of history and government. As a homeschool graduate herself, she is passionate about homeschooling and the unique educational environment it provides. Through the study of the past, Micah sees the hand of God moving through history. One of the things she loves the most is helping other people see the wonderful things God has done in the course of human events and making these moments and individuals come alive for her students

God has increasingly given her a heart for her generation and the generation that follows. She firmly believes that God is getting ready to do something amazing in and through these generations and feels impressed to bring understanding so that they will be equipped to walk in the path that God is laying. In October of 2022, she got to marry the love of her life, Austin. Micah has had the privilege of tutoring homeschooled students for four years. She can’t wait to partner with your family and share her love of history, speech, and government with her students.

Campus: Glendale Elementary