Jamin Dunn

Jamin Dunn has been working in music for the last 20 years. He spent 10 years writing, recording, and working the the music publishing industry in Nashville Tennessee, and has served as a worship pastor since 2011. He currently serves as the Ministries Director and Worship leader at Christ’s Community Church. He and his wife Christie have been married for 21 years. They live in Surprise together with their 5 daughters. You can stream some of Jamin’s music on Spotify, Apple Music etc by searching Jamin Dunn, Open Door Worship, and Echolanes. 

“Music is the only art form that God has prescribed for worship. You can of course worship the Lord with a paintbrush, or a chisel, but he did not command us specifically to do that. He did however tell us to worship him with singing, with playing musical instruments, and with dancing. As a worship leader, that brings tremendous weight to how we worship with music.”

Campus: Glendale